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Wellness involves optimizing physical, mental, and emotional health. It also involves positive thinking, physical activity, healthy diet, avoiding harmful behaviors, and regular check ups with a healthcare provider. Healthy practices can lead to disease prevention, improved function, and overall well-being. 

Falls are one of the most common reasons why older adults may lose their independence and ability to live on their own.

Falls are common. According to the CDC, one third of adults over age 65 have fallen in the last year.
A history of falling puts adults at higher risk of falling in the future. 
Most falls result in only minor injury, but 5-10% of falls can result in something more serious, such as a broken bone or head injury. 

Falls can lead to hospitalizations and prolonged periods of immobility, which can in turn lead to further complications like muscle weakness, pneumonia, and pressure sores. 

Dementia is a medical condition that affects a person’s memory and other aspects of thinking such as communication and problem-solving. It is most common in older people aged 70 and above, but it can sometimes be seen in younger people as well. The risk of dementia increases with age.


Dementia is a progressive disorder, meaning that it gets worse over time. Dementia can interfere with a person’s ability to perform their daily activities like managing finances, driving, taking medications, and planning meals. Eventually, more basic functions like bathing, grooming, and eating can be affected. As dementia progresses, a person may no longer be able to safely live on their own. Patients may need extra help at home from family and caregivers or may need to consider a facility that can provide around the clock care.


There is no cure for dementia, but there are numerous medical and non-medical treatments and strategies that can help manage it and improve symptoms. 

Delirium is an altered and confused mental state that develops over a short period of time and usually has a reversible cause, such as medication or illness. 
It is characterized by a sudden change from mental baseline, fluctuating mental status, inattention, and disorganized thinking. 

Delirium is very common, especially in older patients admitted to the hospital. About one third of patients over age 70 admitted to the hospital experience delirium. 

Adults over 65 typically have more medical conditions and are prescribed more medications than younger people. Medication management can be complex and challenging. Age changes the way medications work in the body, which in turn increases risk of harmful side effects and medications interactions. The risks and benefits of each medicine must always be considered.


Careful collaboration between patients, families, pharmacists, and physicians is necessary to ensure medication safety. 

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515 E Micheltorena St

Suite C

Santa Barbara, CA 93103

Camille Hunter, M.D.

Tel: 805-563-3234

Fax: 805-563-3130


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